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i'm so depressed
<<2002-08-17 - 9:09 pm>>

kill my boot: are you going to college out of state?
EvilRabidSheep: what do you think, honestly
kill my boot: y..es
EvilRabidSheep: very good
kill my boot: lol
kill my boot: college is stupid anyway
EvilRabidSheep: you arent going?
kill my boot: i dunno
kill my boot: maybe
EvilRabidSheep: well
EvilRabidSheep: what are you going to do
EvilRabidSheep: to make money
kill my boot: i dont know
EvilRabidSheep: me neither
kill my boot: i realized that i have no talents at anything
EvilRabidSheep: dude
EvilRabidSheep: I did too
kill my boot: hahaha
EvilRabidSheep: that [dude cory knows] guy
EvilRabidSheep: was showing us a painting he did
kill my boot: maybe we can fail at everything together
EvilRabidSheep: and I was like
EvilRabidSheep: "kind of makes me wish I had did something with my life"
kill my boot: yeah
EvilRabidSheep: I was thinking
EvilRabidSheep: everything I started to do I just quit
EvilRabidSheep: karate, lol
EvilRabidSheep: baseball
kill my boot: thats what i did too
EvilRabidSheep: band
EvilRabidSheep: drawing
EvilRabidSheep: uhh
EvilRabidSheep: thats about it
kill my boot: because we SUCK
EvilRabidSheep: heh
kill my boot: well i guess we're kind of like the bad litter

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