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just call me... nikolai fraiture MKII
<<2002-09-16 - 8:06 pm>>

i feel like such a bass playing aficionado... i printed out any and every slightly simple bass tab by any quality band i could find and attempted to play them. i've been working at my bass for a couple hours... not consecutively, but off and on, i'll pick it up and try to learn a bass line. it's really exciting. this is nothing at all like when i got my first acoustic guitar... i got that because of some silly reason. i never really wanted to play it. but the bass is my perfect instrument.

i've probably told you why it's perfect already but i think i'll say it again... it's perfect for me because it, like, IS me: it's slow, deliberate, lazy, and really bulky and kind of awkward, but if you handle it the right way, it kicks ass. okay, that was stupid. anyway.

creepy stupid story of the night: alissa mentioned a picture of the libertines that was in the NME issue that holly sent me. i went to go look for it but i couldn't find it... i searched everywhere and i was panicking. this was a memento! an important sentimental magazine! ARRGGGHHH!! but then i finally came to the conclusion that my mother threw it away. AND I ACTUALLY SEARCHED THROUGH THE TRASH FOR IT. luckily, it was in the first trash bag i looked through so i didn't have to endure much suffering. but now both myself and the magazine reek of rotting food. i am SO weird.

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