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the birth of emo valley
<<2002-10-03 - 12:29 am>>

check this shit out:

Emo Valley


this is how it came about:
kill my boot: i should start an emo colony
kill my boot: like a leper colony, but worse

yeah, i had meant for it to be a colony, which would have been funnier. the emo cluster. an emo colony would never work: everyone would be a total recluse.

anyway, i'm still working on it, and the only part that's up is the 'about' section. that's pretty funny though. my brain isn't really working so i just spat out random words and everyone thought they were witty.

this is fun. suddenly i have a purpose again. which is sad. but fun.

new happy fun little random addition to my entries that no one cares about: next in line for the throne that coldplay recently occupied, the heir to my legacy.

today's candidate: canadian post punk the-cure-with-guitars band hot hot heat. check them out. they're fucking brillo pads!!! (to quote the ever-quotable roberta) and go download "touch you touch you."

oh, and my mom scheduled bass lessons for next week with the guy who taught me acoustic guitar last time. totally weird. i had a little bit of a crush on him which is really fucked up, but he was one majorly cool guy. but he knows i'm a dirty slacker whore and i never practice... maybe i can prove him wrong and actually learn to play the bass well. i fucking better. i've got nothing else to do.

ps: "next in line for the throne that coldplay recently occupied..." saying that just made me want to fucking die. i saw coldplay in this stupid teeny magazine today and after i got over hyperventilating i got fucking depressed. i miss them.

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