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<<2002-11-13 - 9:20 pm>>

song of the day: "corn man" - kinky

i want to redesign my writing site really badly... but that would entail so much fucking work that i think i would have to shoot myself. i would have to manually rewrite each page for each chapter for each story... ugh. forget i even said anything. but it's really bothering me. how do people ever possibly manage a site without going FUCKING INSANE? hm. maybe i should find out what FTP is. maybe that will solve my problems.

i'm laughing so hard... tyler did this thing where he said something in english, then put it through a translator so it came out in german. then he took the german phrase and translated it back into english. some of the wild & unpredictable results:

"Does it last for that what to be quoted, in your information? If I that my mom donkeys ausgraben removed from must go, and a baloon down the toilet, would make German the entire time speaking, I it."

"If you thickly want to know more around the way bird the, see itself closely this picture on."

and my personal favorite:

"This bird is plagued wart"

besides that. i have a sore throat and a runny nose and i just generally feel really gross and stuff. i don't think i'm really sick, but only time can tell the answer.

i got my homework finished in about half an hour today which isn't bad considering i had an assignment or two for all three classes. but it was all really simple homework.

my A block class is 'abstract painting' with this chronically stoned teacher named chris fletcher. i hate him, he is officially the most boring human being ever created. i'm gonna try to switch out of that class. totally. except Big Gay Will is in there with me and he's kind of entertaining.

there is this creepy ass motherfucker kid who i have to ride the bus to and from school with named jake strauss. he is fucking gross and no one likes him and he knows it. but he won't leave me alone. he's obsessed with my friend sam walker and this harmless little freshman boy named david, and it's just very, very disturbing and makes me want to hurt myself. or him. preferably him, i guess.

"Essen Sie Dung hamburgars aus pasta Ableitung Rohre?

Eat you hired hamburgars out of pasta derivation of tubes?

The watcher will eat your �pfel for you!"

ah well. jake is just causing me undue stress because i hate him and he won'r leave me alone. i just put on my headphones and sit at the front of the bus to avoid him but he's started doing creepy things like sitting up at the front of the bus, waiting for me when i get on. sometimes he follows me outside where the buses are and stands near me until i get on the bus and he sits next to me. ew. ew.

this is so fucked up.

comfortflows: WOW< THAT PICUTRES IS ACE!!11

kikkomaso: ACE LMAO

comfortflows: hahahahahhaa

i got a sudden urge to write about something that isn't me, i guess, or something that isn't just my general experience of stupid things. i go through the motions every day when i get to school and this diary has become a sort of going-through-the-motions thing as well. it's frustrating.


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