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i'm in a place i hate, again
<<2002-12-23 - 3:40 am>>

i am gonna puke, and i can't sleep, and i am in a terrible mood. i hate my dad's house. hate hate hate.

i want to go home. i miss my mom. i can't stand this house. everything is dark and foreign and not right. the beds not right, the blankets are't right, the house isn't right.

ahmed: why do u hate ur dads house?
me: its really unfamiliar... and i dunno... terrible... the minute i get here, i start planning it so i can get out as fast as possible
ahmed: u still never gave me a solid reason why u hate it?
me: well, it's unfamiliar which i said already but blah, and i didnt grow up here... its not a kid's house... everything is expensive... and i dont much like my dad or my stepmom. the whole house feels breakable. like you cant smudge the walls or stomp on the floors or put your feet on the table

on the bright side, i'm writing an angst-fest featuring orri and jonsi to get out my frustration. maybe i'll put it up at futurism.

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