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don't you talk smack about my cabbage
<<2002-01-24 - 6:23 p.m.>>

[ spinz ] bearded lady the hives

hmmm... i'm sooo super sick right now. it TOTALLY SUCKS. it's horrible. i've been sick since monday. first it started with a sore throat, then stuffed the hell out of my nose. so now i have to keep blowing my nose every six minutes. i ate some sushi and wasabi - LOTS of wasabi, haha - and that helped clear it up a bit. but... yeah. sickness is bad.

let's see... what interesting things have happened lately? i dunno. stuff is basically a flat line lately. i haven't had anything really earth-shattering occur. and i'm not very funny either, which sucks, because then i could make my non-amusingness into something funny. but alack...

ugh, i think that wasabi made me sick(er).

so i think i'll close this entry with a rousing THE STROKES ROCK!!!!!!!!!! there's something fishy with my image hosting service, otherwise i'd post up some yummy new strokes pics, but... argh. today is just totally not my day!

kyo (isn't kyo such a cool name? so i decided to re-christen myself kyo, because it's MY DIARY!!! phwooooar!!)

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