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i have a fiery insatiable passion for PANTS
<<2002-02-04 - 6:44 p.m.>>

[ spinz ] title of record blur

whew. lots of craziness happening lately! well, let's see... hmm... i have a crush on a guy, and i don't want to say his name yet, but his codename is Pants. is that pure brilliance, or what? so i can go around ALL DAY saying "i have a fiery passion for pants" and actually have a REASON. now is that cool or what? the reason i came up with his codename was that he wears really coolass pants, and every time i see him i say "i like your pants" or some other such comment about his pants, so i decided that his pants were his defining trait. thus, Pants was born. so anyway, i luv pants. he sits behind me in math, and every time i've seen him recently he's greeted me in some way. which is, i can say, more than anyone in the whole of csw has done for me lately. and it feels really, really nice. he's not exactly mr. america, i will give you that, and our tastes probably differ a little in music and other stuff too. but that's a-okay with me, because he's a REALLY NICE GUY. *whew* like one of the coolest nicest guys i've met in a while. so i'm glad to have him as company. i may never ask him out, and he may never like me, but i really like hearing his laugh.

so anyway, that's the end of crush talk. i guess i fell out of love with falbert, because we're switching classes in a few days and i'll never see him again. which is sad, because falbert is a funny nickname. but pants is even hilariouser. mwaha.

so anyway lovelies, go check out my ff.net stuff, i've added lots of coldplay goodness. yeeeup. it's kind of odd, but i think i love coldplay more than the strokes right now - like, the strokes are my favorite band... but i LUV coldplay. their music is soooo gorgeous beyond belief. i wonder if i'll ever find another band that is like what vast used to be to me? i doubt it. but it's cool.

oh yeah, and i wore my albert jacket to school today and barely ever took it off. i also fell down the stairs cuz they were covered in ice, which was embarrassing. but luckily my albert jacket - albert hammond III haha - was not damaged. my butt's still sore though. i wore my billboard jeans to school too, haha - rachel wrote all over my jeans last summer, and so now it's like a message board. people just leave random messages on my pants. (pants, haha) it's pretty cool. so i wrote "CROTCH" and an arrow pointing to my crotch, and i wrote next to my crotch "JULIAN WAS HERE - well, not really but it's a funny thought". ok, it seemed funny at the time. and i went down to the store during lunch and me and rachel p hung out and talked and jake bothered us, which was cool - not fetus jake, another playa type jake, who's cool i guess. am i making any sense whatsoever? do i ever? does it matter? and so i did all my french homework. and i think i'm gonna fail english, and maybe math. and i'm definitely going to summer school. and next mod, alorie - who's like the head honcho of scheduling - changed my a block from physics to history, which is acceptable. whew. man... today was a whirl.

and then and then on the bus, cate-monkey sat next to me again and we yelled things at old ladies walking down the street, and one of them FLIPPED US OFF. i almost peed myself laughing. cate's so hilarious.

so anyway, i really need to shut up. so, in summary:



old ladies are NOT peace loving happy people.


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