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never pet a burning dog
<<2002-02-07 - 7:23 p.m.>>

[ spinz ] nutjob l.e.s. stitches

today is very cool. i'm not sick anymore, and my mom got sushi and lots of good food. and i rented "snatch" and "velvet underground". i wanted to rent "waiting for guffman" but i looked for it and couldn't find it, was too lazy to look for it in other aisles, and too shy to ask him for it. the guy working the counter was sooooooooooooo cute. he had a big mop of curls, like fab or albert or pre-parachutes chris. when i went up to pay for the videos i met his eyes for like a split second and i swear i blushed. i'm really bad dealing with members of the opposite gender, can you tell? actually, i'm bad dealing with cute members of any gender. he was cute though. his nails were painted black too. i handed him vg, and he did a bit of a double take. i felt really dirty. haha. wow, i love that movie. the last time i watched velvet underground was my very first entry in this diary. funky, huh? yeeup.

i decided to be less introspective. it's more fun for me to treat this as a superficial thing. probably more entertaining too. i dunno. it's like whenever i'm thinking about easy, simple things - like what i did today, or my butt hurts or something - then it's ok and i'm in a good mood. then when i start to delve deeper - scout, pants, my inner emotions... blah, emo crap - then starts stuff to mess up. but it's ok. because i don't need to concern myself with that.

i love coldplay slash, especially coldplay slash that i've written. considering there is a barren wasteland of coldplay slash anywhere. :(

love, arslan.

ps: nobody's called me yet.

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