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the curves of your lips rewrite history
<<2002-02-08 - 2:44 p.m.>>

[ spinz ] slade from the velvet goldmine ost

whew. some guy is trying to teach me something about his game that he rants about every day. look.

Zerin Clave: You get 5 Level 1s.
Zerin Clave: 4 Level 2s
Zerin Clave: 3 Level 3s
Zerin Clave: And 1 Level 4
Zerin Clave: Zerin gets 2 Level 4s
Zerin Clave: And 1 Level 5
Zerin Clave: Now..
Zerin Clave: You get like, 10 Level 1 choices, about 8 Level 2 choices, 5 Level 3 choices, and 2 Level 4 choices (Zerin gets 3), and Zerin gets 1 Level 5 choice.

... o_o

umm... 'kay!

anyway. i'm downloading lots of velvet goldmine music. i watched the whole movie last night until about 3 in the morning, and it was just absolutely incredible, because now that i had watched it once already i could pay attention to everything else. plus, my dad wasn't in the room, so i didn't have that added discomfort. and i wasn't so teenybopperish about the fact that two gorgeous guys were kissing. so i could pay attention to plot and all kinds of things, and i understood the movie fabulously. i could see how you'd have to watch the movie like five or six times over if you weren't acquainted with the storyline beforehand. i don't mean to go off on some boring tangent about movies, because those are really dumb, but since i knew the storyline already, i picked up all sorts of cues that made more sense - like in the beginning, when arthur is talking about trying to forget his childhood/adolescence, and then he says "something was spooking me back... little did i know, it was you." and "you" = curt. :D obviously! but that makes no sense until the end. people are probably thinking he's talking about brian. but nooo. and then if you watch really closely, at the end, you can SEE that curt recognizes arthur, when they're in that dingy diner. you can see it in his smile. i still don't quite understand how he got the green brooch into the bottle of beer without anyone noticing, though.

but you have to watch really closely throughout the whole movie, because things in the beginning will pop up at the end and not make any sense unless you remember them. and with those kinds of movies, every single movement, every single smile, can mean something totally different. you can read between the lines for everything.

it's quite crazy.

anyway, so i really need to shut up now. in conclusion, the movie was incredible and i love it, and i'm gonna watch it again every chance i get for the next few days. i made a vg wallpaper, too, but that was at like four in the morning so it's a pretty crappy one.

anyway, i'm gonna go, 'cause i really had nothing else to say besides the fact that velvet goldmine is so awesome that i can't even bear it.

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