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french filmmakers, and... french filmmakers
<<2002-03-11 - 5:09 pm>>

you guys, this is really serious. i'm serious. very serious.

i think i've got an addiction problem.

i think i am addicted to this diary. AHHH!!! GOOOODDDD! NOOO!!!! i also think i am addicted to hot french filmmakers. MWAHAHAHA. ohhh my god they are so hot. did anyone watch the 9/11 thing sunday night? i dunno... it was horrible. i mean, it was really good, but it was just... auuuggh, god, i can't even think about it without shuddering. there was this one part where gedeon (my personal favorite! tee hee! ..ahem.) talked about the debris that was falling from the top of tower 1 after it was first hit: he said no one was allowed to leave through the front entrance, because bits of the building were falling - and people were jumping. here, from this reporty thingy: Jules Naudet recalled: "You know each time you hear that crashing sound a life has been extinguished. You can't get used to it." and that just made me want to scream. i sat with my hands balled into fists, waiting for the next crash sound. it totally turned my stomach. even now, i just get this weird feeling that makes me want to cry and "BLAAAAGGGHHH", you know? blagh.

anyway, so even though the 9/11 thing was a total gross-out and extremely sad, the french filmmaker brothers were still very adorable and angsty. today sam and i started talking about it and he was like, "well, you know, i was thinking... 'who can i go to and talk about the HOT FRENCH FILMMAKERS instead of the actual content? oh, i know! YOU!'" and it was pretty funny. i was like, "ahh.. my callous ways... a gift from god, honestly." sam's dad also taped the 9/11 documentary, so i told him to lend me the tape so i could watch it. i plan to just fast-forward through all the shasta mcnasty parts and just listen to the two naudet brothers talk. hee.

so anyway, all psyched up over the hot french filmmaker brothers. and what great names! gedeon and jules! WOO! i'm lovin it. me and sam are collaborating on our french project, which is to build a bedroom and label it in french (oh god SO BORING) and we call it the "Naudet Pimpin Pad" and we made up all these really twisted, hilarious theories about how jules and gedeon are secret lovers who built the "Pimpin Pad" so they could have passionate sweet procreational whoopee in the middle of the night and not be prosecuted for it, since they're hot french brothers. THEY JUST WANTED TO BE FREE!!!!!!


my brother has a friend over whose name is raja, and he's really cute. sort of. i was riding home in lani's car (evil ditzy ho bag who i carpool with sometimes) and her older brother jared was with us. he is so totally junked up all the time. he talked like "aahhdggaaawwwuuuhhhtttiarrr doaodgsddawaaaa...." it was so hilarious. i couldn't understand him. so anyway, after joan dropped me off, i walked into the kitchen to see raja perched on the counter. he grinned at me but didn't even say hello, and i had no idea who he was. so i just sort of... made my way upstairs. it was awkward. but raja's cute. so it's... okay.

unfortunately, the ryan adams & leona ness show on the 18th is 18+ so micah is taking me to see garbage in april. i don't really like garbage, unfortunately. isn't that odd... almost every single show i've ever been to (with the exception of howie day) has been by artists i DON'T ACTUALLY LIKE. strange.

i saw an article about richey edwards today and then proceeded to get REALLY angry when amalia and her stupid skanky ho bag friends who don't know crap about crap made fun of him. grrr, she really gets my goat. grr grrrrr. no homework tonight!


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