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the hives are law, you are crime
<<2002-03-12 - 7:46 pm>>

oooh, hoorah, i've finished another chapter in my favoritest story right now. it's my coldplay slash story. go check it out! and i'd just like to say, though i'm a little late, it's okay, roberta... when you called him chris smith, i had no idea what you were talking about, but i figured it out! go me! hoorah! he's got quite a plain name, doesn't he? nobody, and i mean nobody, can beat the strokes' names. it's almost funny. i mean, honestly. julian casablancas? crazy.

anyway... i'd talk about my plans for the story, but i don't wanna give anything away. i was thinking of making it SUPER SAD at the end, but that's so cliche. i don't know... all my stories end sad. i love sadness and angst. i've always sympathized with the character who gets the raw end of the deal, for some reason.

my dog was eating something that crinkled like a candy wrapper or something, but when i went to go see what she was eating, there was nothing there. now she's eating the invisible crinkly thing again, and it's driving me crazy!!!

i've seen this mentioned in roberta's diary about a week ago, or something, and in christine's diary too, i think... but whatever's going on, roberta, you've got all my support! remember, we have all that heavy artillery... ain't nobody gonna mess wif us! HOOOO-EEEE! :D

speaking of roberta (she's getting a lot of pimping in this entry!) she's seeing the strokes soon... TAKE PICTURES! TAKE LOTS AND LOTS OF PICTURES! and don't forget to wear your rawkin tie and glasses... huzzah!!!!

i have a list of about thirty-seven bands i'd love to see live, but right now it's the strokes, coldplay, vast, muse and oasis. sum 41 and tenacious D are on that list too.

i am so super impatient for the next vast cd.... you all have no idea! i cannot wait! once i get it, there's gonna be about fifty entries just devoted to it. seriously.

speaking of which everyone's been talking about how the second strokes album is gonna suck. well, i have three words for you buddy - YOU IS WRONG. the second album is gonna rock even harder than the first. i know that for a FACT.

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