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<<2002-03-13 - 11:30 pm>>

[ muzak ] hot topic le tigre

today is hereby Hilary Woods Day, because i discovered her at like 8 am this morning. thus begins a long and arduous trek into...


isn't she gorgeous? i love her sooo much. gah! i can't stop obsessing! i printed out a picture of her and pasted it onto my notebook. that is how insanely rabid-fangirly i've become. i love my kitten picture up at the top... but soon it may be replaced by a hilary one instead...

arrrgghhhh. damn you, hilary woods, damn you and your incredible gorgeousness. sorry about the long loading time, with the big pictures and all... but i needed to share my hilary-luv!!!

so anyway, aside from hilary worshipping, i got my history project done today. and only two more days left until my two week vacation, which will totally rock my socks. i'm shaving my head super short (like, two or three inches long) on saturday, so i'll run to the corner store and buy a camera and take pictures of it. i want to dye it too, red or blue preferably, but i'm just too lazy.

how insanely CUTE CAN YOU POSSIBLY GET?!!?! gahhh... i feel a hilary fanfic coming on.....

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