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le chambre a DEBAUCHERY!
<<2002-03-14 - 11:56 am>>

girls are evil. hahaha... i get such a kick out of that.

i am sooo sick to my stomach right now, and we have ten minutes left until lunch. blech. i have spent the last hour and a half of class time reading jj72 interviews and slowly falling in love with mark. hilary doesn't talk much, and she likes westlife, but GODDAMMIT she's still hot!! speaking of which, people kept confusing the picture of her on the front of my notebook with britney spears. so i finally got fed up and drew a big red arrow and wrote "NOT BRITNEY" beneath it. now there is no confusion.

hoorah! the ever so lovely ashke put up a part of 'fine irony'. it's my current favorite of his, though that's likely to change within the next fifteen minutes or so. :D though the text he pasted is all farked. ah well.

me and sam presented our french project yesterday - the bedroom of love, we called it, instead of our original title which was like 'le chambre a big pimpin.' i heart sam's fucked up sense of humour. and we were supposed to grade everyone else's projects too. i gave them all HORRIBLE grades, like ten out of fifty, because i'm so mean. but then i felt bad so i changed it to like... twenty out of fifty. i'm going to hell.

another reason i'm hell-bound: i cheated pretty bad on my final history project. i knew i'd never do it if left to my own devices, so instead i just took lyrics from a whole bunch of jj72 songs and chopped them up and rearranged the verses, made it look pretty, and now i'm prepared to call it my own and take full credit tomorrow morning. i felt really guilty at first, but now it's too late. i'd rather go to hell than get a shitty grade in history. ah well. don't hate me because i'm devious and satanic.

anyway... everyone's gone... it's lunch time now. the halls are totally empty. scout's gonna come looking for me in like, six minutes, so i should go find her first. she irritates me now. but so does micah, kind of. arrgghhh. mood swing... suddenly i feel ANGRY AT THE WORLD! DIE WORLD! rarrr.

ah well.

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