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amish rodents TAKE %
<<2002-03-28 - 1:05 pm>>

newwww layout. i'm still not quite finished fixing it up, though i spent the better part of yesterday trying to. argh. well, i don't think i'll be relying on html as a career path in life, seeing as how i SUCK HORRIBLY at it.

passover was yesterday. it was actually fun, for once, because my mother's friend linda brought her seven year old daughter and her completely immature husband. hanna was just adorable, and she followed me wherever i went, which was cute instead of scary. and her dad, brad, was nice, because he kept trying to hurry up the seder. and i tossed a green bean at him once in a while, in the hopes he'd catch it in his mouth. and the seder itself was really short - probably like twenty minutes - which saved my sanity. and the food was good. kind of cold and very jewish (farfel, kugel, matzoh) but food is food and who am i to complain?

goldmine velvet: dude
goldmine velvet: i had a heart breaking revelation
Etienne Lyndon: what would that be?
goldmine velvet: ok i was sitting in bed and thinking about how i'm going to marry chris martin and then all of a sudden i realize if their album is being released right before i get out of school and they tour afterwards... they... might come to my hometown... WHILE I AM OUT OF THE COUNTRY
goldmine velvet: coldplay, i mean. that's all coldplay up there
goldmine velvet: and then
goldmine velvet: i would have to commit SEPPUKU
goldmine velvet: which is the ancient samurai art of disemboweling oneself if you have been dishonored

yep. that is my preferred od, if coldplay decides to visit my lovely little hometown while i am in france with my parents. you know what the really ironic thing is? i'm going to london as well in the summer, with my mother, for about three weeks. watch them come to boston while i'm in devon or something. i think i would die.

and my evil, evil friend who should be shot is back from "north carolina" (read: her own home, playing a stupid joke on me). she went to go see her "boyfriend" jim, who she met online and is "in love with", and then came back and now every single piece of our conversation routes back to jim. like i'll be talking about the new vast single, and she'll be like "oh! jim loves that one song 'touched'! we made it like "our song"!!!"

Etienne Lyndon: omg, i'm in love. lmao
goldmine velvet: with?
Etienne Lyndon: jim.
goldmine velvet: yeah
goldmine velvet: we know

hahahaDIE. grrrr.

Etienne Lyndon: omg lkmao have you heard "Pogo" by system of a down?
goldmine velvet: nah
goldmine velvet: i don't like them
Etienne Lyndon: the song's hilarious though
goldmine velvet: but his voice scares me and like every single member of the band looks like some sort of rodent that has been mistreated at a chemical testing lab... or something...

speaking of which, all those soad fics at ff.net are really driving me nuts. that band is SCARY. with a capital s. SKEEEERY. i don't understand how anyone could write about them. ahhh. okay. done.

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