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oh my good stars
<<2002-04-09 - 12:44 pm>>

i am laughing so hard... oh my god... i can't even type right.. dude, this is so hilarious and awesome. roberta sent me the RAVING LUNATIC (*bursts into fits of giggles again*) pic of chris today and i was like "YAY CUTENESS! SCARF! OH MY GOD!" and then i just saw it and i started giggling, and totally couldn't stop. it's HILARIOUS. he's in haiti, looking sunburned and quite adorable and HE IS SO RAVING (does that look like stretching to you? NO! HE'S GETTING HIS GROOVE ON!) and he looks like he's having lots of fun. i am saddened by his lack of buckteeth, though. (i am a loser.) when he was like, twenty-two or so, he had those adorable buckteeth that kind of stuck out and i loved mocking them. but... they've disappeared. maybe he got braces or something, like tom cruise. the "invisible" (cough, cough... "invisible") kind. i'm not sure. i must get to the bottom of this injustice.

meanwhile, entertain yourselves with my meager coldplay shrine the raving one is at the top, of course.

i was actually thinking about the missing buckteeth dilemma when i spotted that guy on the right of the pic, the one who looks like he hasn't seen a dentist in about a decade. that made me laugh even harder.

ohmygawd ohmygawd - okay, REALLY stupid shallow fangirlish episode here: oxfam came to our school a little while ago and showed us a video. dude. oxfam! that's the people that asked chris to go to haiti! that's insane. who knew oxfam was so cool? i sure didn't. with a name like oxfam, i don't think anybody did.

okay... THANK YOU ROBERTA ^__^ whew, that was fun.

next up: MY TERRIBLE DAY~! YES! oh boy. so much fun, i almost can't believe it. (i guess you can't really hear the sarcasm there...) today was "LAW DAY" - which is basically "gather all three hundred CSW students, shove them in the auditorium, make them sit on their arses for THREE AND A HALF HOURS (do you think i'm joking? well, then, you're wrong.) and lecture them on... um... what was it again? oh yeah... BORING CRAP THAT NO ONE CARES ABOUT. wahey!" it was really great, i was just bouncing with excitement. i got there at 8:30 am, found scout and jake and max and sat in the last seat of the last row and then got comfy. i did not know the human body could endure such pain. i can't even put it into words *shudder* it was just really crapola. i wrote, like, every single one of my friends a note and totally goofed off and didn't pay attention for one minute. i wanted to run outside and play in the happy rays of golden sunshine but all the teachers were like strapping us to our seats. they didn't even let us sleep or anything. the one good thing was that scout got so monstrously bored that i let her use my cd player and she listened to coldplay AND SHE REALLY LIKED IT. this is from a kid who listens to nothing but piano jazz (i'm still not sure why she's friends with a total music-philiac like me). well, i mean, coldplay has piano, but i'd say it's, uh, pretty far from jazz. but coldplay was all i had (brought all of the singles and my live cds and some of my burned cds) so coldplay was what she got. and she liked it. that really made me glow with pride.

ah, coldplay so totally runs my life.

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