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i am running out of creative titles... argh
<<2002-04-10 - 7:52 pm>>

i am wishing pain and merciless brutality upon the sunlight. it is not sunny out right now, which is good. but it was sunny out for like, ten hours today. BAD. it's nice to have sun again - i only realized how much i missed spring until the sun came back - but also... well.. i dunno. i think i'm crazy. but for the last four or five summers of my life, i've gone to this one camp that's kind of like artsy and a little sporty but not at all outdoorsy or hiking-type ish. it's just... you know... a place for kids to go and make friends for three weeks. but i had undoubtedly some of the best times of my life there and i've made so many memories. and last night, it got really hot outside so i opened my window and slept next to it. and the warm air over my face immediately brought back so many memories. i know that sounds totally retarded, but it felt so great and so incredibly depressing at the same time. it's hard to explain. i don't know if i could communicate what a weird impact my four years at that place have had upon me without sounding like a giant walking ball of stupidity, so i won't. i'll just say that the sun is depressing. it reminds me of sitting on the quad, looking for cute boys, picking up the grass and joking with my friends. it really makes me sad and happy and totally confused. i yearn so much to be twelve again and tan easily and play capture the flag every day of my life, but then again i'm so happy to have made it to where i am. i don't know.

camp is stupid.

i have 373 mp3 files.

i'm gonna do my french homework soon.

AyaChanFujimiya: indie rock is my reason for living
EvilRabidSheep: i thought it was soft core pr0n and pretzels
EvilRabidSheep: OH WAIT, THATS ME
EvilRabidSheep: har

cory's building up his mp3 collection and he's asking me what to get. i'm telling him to get all my favorite songs (minus coldplay, he's not really a coldplay dude). so far he's got con-science by muse and i'm the only gay eskimo by tenacious d. ahh... greatness.

i talked to my old friend misao today! me and kira are gonna get together and do stuff on tuesday. misao is another chick from the camp i was talking about, the one that gave me so many odd memories. hmmm. coincedence? i don't know...

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