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it's just a flesh wound... really.. come back here! I'LL BITE YOUR LEGS OFF
<<2002-04-12 - 8:52 pm>>

which "monty python and the holy grail" character are you?

this quiz was made by colleen

oh, hells yes.

anyway, today was kind of bad, kind of not bad. weird. i have a three day weekend coming up, yay! scout has been really mean to me lately. my mother told me to just wait it out, which i intend to do, because scout seems like she's SO AFRAID of branching out that no matter what goes on between us, she'll always return to me because i'm the reliable thing. i'll always take her back.

tomorrow i have to go to my dad's house (suckage) but on monday night i get to see a friend of mine and monday night i have to go to an 'nsync concert (MORE SUCKAGE) but it's for a good cause (rachel's birthday) so it's all good.

AH! today i went on a date.. it was so nice... she's so sweet and she compliments me all the time. it wasn't arranged beforehand or anything, like ten minutes before she just asked me to come with her to get coffee and then i was like "sure" cos she's so cute and i've kind of had a little crush on her for a while. we got coffee and talked and flirted majorly (god she has the weirdest sense of humour) and then she put her arm around me when we were taking the train home. bwahaha. all these hick-type old men were sitting around us and kept giving us weird looks. kind of amusing, actually. she's sweet as all hell though, i don't know if it'll turn into anything, but i really hope so. yeah.

so on the subject of love and stuff, here's a short something i wrote last night. it's called beloved. i don't know how i feel about it but then again i never do. heh. nickel to anyone who can figure out what it's about.

*is a big pathetic ball of stupidity*

anyway... i've got lots of things written - the fifth chapter to my coldplay/blur story, an X/1999 short, half of my fourth jeff chapter, and like four or five other things that i wrote when i was really young and haven't looked at until a little while ago. don't want to sound egocentric, but i was a hella good writer, even when i was young. heh. maybe even better than i am now, which is... sad. very sad.

so um, 'nsync on monday night. WHO IS EXCITED? have i told you this before? i don't know... can't remember. oh, i have lots of strange goodies for you guys.

the insanity test
dancing banana (my personal favorite of the day, taken from cory)
mr. nice ("it's all about the... dancing pink turds in diapers" - jo)
all your base are belong to us
hatten ar din
mashimaro (there's five mashimaro things... just change the number at the very end of the link to 2, 3, 4... etc... they're all great.)
gonads and strife

and... my personal favorite forever... l33t romeo + juliet. priceless.

i'm like a pimp or something. I DEMAND PAYMENT FOR MY ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES. all of you must go out and harvest chris martin pictures for me. NOW.

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