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coldplay makes me happy
<<2002-05-01 - 12:04 pm>>


go check out faultline's website cos on the left hand side, there's a song that chris martin sings on and it's so brilliant.

i joined the coldplay message board, haha. i'm posting like crazy. haha. it's awesome. i was kind of wary about joining, since last time i joined a board for my favorite band (vast) it totally just ruined my appreciation. i think that was mostly because the lead singer kind of talked like a newbie... haha. i don't know. but i'm mostly doing this to find coldplay fans who live near me.

next up, my invasion of the strokes message board. look forward to some insane ramblings there from me soon.

so anyway.

i still haven't finished my french homework. should i do it right now? or keep talking to jordan? and i have some old homework for journeys that i haven't handed in for like two days now... gah. oh well.

big test tomorrow. friday i leave for maine... KAYAKING... i am so super excited now because LILY is gonna be my KAYAKING BUDDY and aspen will be there too. i like talking to aspen. i like figuring out how her mind works. she's an odd duck.

ok, i'm really giddy right now. and usually online and stuff i'm really shy about saying hi to people i don't know in case they think i'm a huge penis face, but OH WELL. i'm gonna go crazy leaving notes for people today.


toni collette is in AAB, too... she rules... i love toni collette. i don't like her smile. once i saw a picture of her and JRM cuddling and she looked like a man. i was like "WHAT?" and then i realized she wasn't a man... and my hopes were dashed. but oh well. a girl can dream.

i was really pissed when i saw that anne rice had forbade ALL fanfiction about her books? WHAT? EXCUSE ME? what a bitch! jesus! i think fanfiction is cool. i want to become famous just to read the crazy fanfiction people write.

oh, yeah, so i guess i'm finished for now... i'm gonna go post some more stupid shit at the coldplay board! WAHEY!!!

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