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hate to say i told you so
<<2002-05-11 - 4:35 pm>>

i'm at my father's house, sitting in the computer room with my beautiful, crazy cat maxwell in my lap. the tv's on in the other room, playing muchmusic. i just saw the hives video for "hate to say i told you so" and the lead singer is now my newest addition to my ever growing man harem. and, just my perfect luck, they're playing a show in cambridge (like twenty mins away from my house) on june 11th. i must get my best ho and buy tickets. hahaha.

i also saw a sinead o'connor video and there was this like ten minute mini-documentary and the whole time i watched it i wanted to get up and dance because i LOVE sinead. i don't really know if i've said that before, but ever since my stepmom bought me my first sinead album when i was about seven i've just had this forever-and-ever-eternal love affair with her. i saw a tape of that episode of SNL when she ripped up the pope picture... i was waaay too young (like ten yrs old) to understand the consequences or the aftermath or the weight of the action. i thought it was cool. she is SO gorgeous. she's aged so well. everything about her is attractive.

i saw a nikka costa video too and i nearly rolled off the couch with glee! YAY! it was that ultra mega motherfucking sexy video "like a feather" where she's wearing that, like, scarfy thing over her boobs. hmm, perhaps i will find a picture...

what the hell is hives-boy's name? i knew i knew it like a while ago. pelle, i think? shitshitshit, i totally forgot. i'm glad they're getting some radio/tv play, but i DON'T want them to become big. they're not one of my fervent obsessions like the strokes or coldplay, but they are a favorite. plus the lead singer boy looks alot like adrian grenier, who is one of my idols. just give hives-boy a big curly mop top and it's basically the same.

my cat rules.

i've gotta run, but i might make another entry today. i just wanted to alleviate the general, um, emo weight of the last few entries with a light, unimportant fodder-y one.

oooh. i might get to go kayaking with my dad out on the ocean. fucking wind is being assy, though... grr. THE KAYAK IS IN MY BLOOD!

ps: I LOVE YOU ROBERTA... DON'T LEAVE... *sad face*

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