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kathleen hanna Xperience
<<2002-05-30 - 8:06 pm>>


now that i've successfully remained template-celibate for the last MONTH (garrargglgglee... *froths*), i am going to totally just change my template like every week.

maybe i should do that. if it weren't such a huge hassle, i really would change it every week.


it is ABSURDLY hot today. we installed my new air conditioner and were pleasantly surprised to find a complete mental wasp living in my windowsill. arf. however now it is buzzing away purposefully and i feel so pampered.

i think im going to cry- the white stripes are playing the mtv movie awards?!?! WHY?! WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO?! yes, i really am going to cry. meg! jack! how could you?! call me, sweets, we need to talk.

only a few more days left of school. like, seven, or something. i can't count for beans.

molly's uncle is good friends with damon albarn. she is going to be having dinner with him in three weeks in new york (possibly). i don't know if any of you can fathom the depth and passion of my jealousy. ARF!

'arf' has now become my new 'thing.' kind of like ho bag, but less offensive.

i'm going to france in a few weeks! who's jealous? YOU ARE!!! oh yeah, you so are. i'm going to versailles and i'm gonna make a photo-journal for my french class. and in some rural town west of versailles, there lives this family that my dad kind of knows who have a 14 year old son who i will apparently be forced to hang out with. sacre bleu. (sorry, just practicing a bit there.) i'm supposed to help him learn english and he's supposed to help me with my french. i'm actually incredibly excited.

does anyone notice how french people look so FRENCH? you can totally tell when a french person is standing next to an american. totally. americans are tall and oafish, and the french are all petite and elegant. i swear. go look it up or something.

so yeah.

i've decided to start that coldplay site i was talking about. after i finish my french homework, i'll look into it.

oh! i have bragging rights here: the physics paper i handed in like a week late and the one i totally bluffed my way through and was convinced i'd get a D on... I GOT AN A MINUS! how rocking is that? seriously rocking. totally. an a minus, that's a first for me. i think if i keep handing in my work and all that then the worst i can get is a B- overall grade in that class. we had to do a lab paper a few days ago and it was due today and i handed it in ON TIME! another first for me. jeff was so proud, it was adorable. he like kinda gave me this look, like, "see, i knew you could do it, you slacker." it really made me feel nice. he's a cool, cool guy. and that paper is like four pages long and totally thorough and elaborate. i totally can't even imagine what grade i'll get for it. MEGA-A-PLUS. or something.

so that's really it. nothing big happened today. i got to hang out with sam some, which was really really nice. i just love being with him. i think i go through phases where i have one really SUPERSUPER intense friend and they're the only person i really want to be with, and then the intensity burns itself out and then i move onto the next person. kind of. that's what happened with scout. i don't really know. i tried to figure it out but got distracted. haha.

everyone go to faultline.co.uk and listen to the song "where is my boy". now. because it's really nice. and chris martin sings on it. not as if that makes me like it more. i'm sure i'd like it just the same if chris didn't sing. you know. sure. definitely.

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