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speak softly and carry a rabid sheep
<<2002-06-01 - 1:43 pm>>

i've decided music is the only medium on which i can connect with people anymore. i only ever have anything to talk about if someone likes the same music i do. i don't know. it's odd.

i'm in a super music mood today. so yeah. get ready.

yay, i'm listening to super furry animals. i think i like it. i'm really not sure at all... hm. it's a little... i don't know... sugary-happy? i'll wait a few days before i make any judgments. it's okay so far though! i just don't like how they say "u" instead of "you." that just bothered me. speak welsh if you must, boys, but never say "u".

i heard the new incubus single, "warning" and i totally totally love it. the video was SO BAD but the song's great... i usually really like anything incubus puts out for a bout two weeks and then it gets totally overplayed and then i just want to kill it. that's why i don't own any incubus cds. it's trendy to say you like incubus, so i don't. but 'warning' is good. download it or something.

i'm liking alfie more and more, and so does my mom. i let her listen to "not half" and "you make no bones" and she thinks theyre super cute.

i also love portishead. they sound like new radiohead, with a touch of badly drawn boy and frou frou. i want to go out and buy their other cds.

i'm going to the boat dance tonight. does anyone remember when i first started ranting about it? it's my school's version of the prom. i'm going with molly as my date, hopefully it'll be fun, yo. i thought it was mildly amusing that they had an "after party" for after the boat dance. only STUPID NED LOSERS have afterparties after a party. that's the dumbest idea. ever.

whoa i just found out david reads this diary. thats kind of weird. not in a bad way. sort of. i have no comment.

Moogle35: wasted.space is a link to hampster dance...
Moogle35: and futurism is a link to your very own psychic hotline?
kill my boot: yeah
kill my boot: you bet
Moogle35: sweet

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