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first ever daily serving of chris- FREE!!!
<<2002-06-13 - 6:27 pm>>


that's howie day up there, looking pensive. if he's not captured your heart yet in his very adorable hands, then YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A HOLLOW SHELL DEVOID OF ANY HUMAN EMOTION. just so you know.

the strokes are playing jay leno tonight and the hives are playing right after and then the strokes are doing a show in... august? yeah, august 15th. you know what's really COOL about that? I MIGHT BE ABLE TO GO! there's a coldplay show august 2, as well, that only costs 2 dollars but it's in freaking CHICAGO... which means i probably can't go. i know they'll come to boston, though. its my women's intuition at work. chris martin are you listening? boston. i know. goddamn you.

so things are going okay. i got the requirements for summer school and they're not a big deal. it's only five weeks and stuff, yeah. i had hoped i would be done with school for the summer but then i remembered i wasn't. and i'm also going back next year, they renewed my contract (they were on the edge of not "asking me back" for my sophomore year but then they okayed it). so yeah, that's cool.

hey, did i mention my friend test?

i also got tested for learning disabilities today. the whole testing deal was boring (it lasted SIX Hours) but in the middle the hippie woman who was testing me told me i could go get lunch and take a break. so i walked down the street in my big sweatshirt (david's chico sweatshirt.. i go through sweatshirt phases and i'm in my "david sweatshirt" phase currently) and went to a coffee shop, ordered coffee and a brownie and sat all by myself and read my book and drank my coffee. that was so cool, i felt about ten years older than i actually am. and THEN it gets better, i almost fell out of my chair when this moderately-cute guy sits at the table adjacent from mine and then goes, "i read that book," meaning the one i was reading. it's a fabulously intelligent book and could get me ranting for hours so immediately we started talking about it. (i would tell you the name of the book but i COMPLETELY FORGOT. it's by jennifer lash, though. i'm so bad with book names.) and i was like completely surprised by how much insight he gave me and how smart he was and everything. it was great. he had all these theories about the main woman, the woman's son, the woman's husband, the symbolism of all these different characters and places and things. it totally made me look at everything in a different way. so thanks moderately cute guy, you're really swell.

hey by the way, i'm going to paris on monday. i'll be back on sunday. harharhar you jealous fools =B

so anyway. last night i found lots and lots of gorgeous chris martin pictures and all the time i've been spending on the coldplay messageboard (i'm close to 200 posts... it's a big mark for me) and then i met this person who loves coldplay as much as, if not MORE than (gasp), me and that fueled my obsession even more. so now i'm back into a feverish love for chris martin and since i felt kind of guilty about replacing that pretty picture up there of him with a howie day one, i decided to have a daily ritual just like roberta. BEAUTIFUL CHRIS PIC OF THE DAY! interspersed with other beautiful pics of jeff buckley and other such sorts of people. its physically impossible to run out of beautiful pics of jeff OR chris. so here's my virgin "daily serving of chris", my maiden voyage, my watershed picture post:

don't tell me you didn't wholly enjoy that excursion into chris martin paradise.

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