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the hottest thing since orange hotpants
<<2002-06-14 - 11:43 am>>

hi guys. i'm all sniffly today... it's weird. allergies or something.

i had a dream about chris, but i can't remember most of it, and it gives me a really weird feeling. you know, kind of like frustrated and upset and almost happy? longing, maybe that's what it is. a physical longing to see coldplay and steal chris's pants.

maybe it's that i started a new coldplay fic ALL ABOUT HOW MUCH I LOVE CHRIS.

if only i were joking...

it's a fic featuring myself and my friend (whose real name shall go un-uttered, because.. well.. i have my reasons) and it's not that bad of a fic. the second chapter (which is mostly unfinished) is much better than the first. i just wanna treat this like, i dunno, a weird teenybopper fic. cos thats exactly what it is.

fanfic.net's server is down. again. blargh! it's sooo annoying. so i'm going to go finish that second chapter and hope it starts working again.

i think i'm gonna go down to the hynes conv center place again where i went a few days ago to see howie day (excuse me while i scream with nostalgia and love). i want to go back to the trident cafe and get another of those veggie burgers because its KILLIN ME. they were so good. and i wanna go to this store called allston beat which has strokesy sort of clothes. and theres a newbury comics there and maybe they'll have more vines pins or something. i don't know.

i watched the strokes on leno last night, they were ok. nothing new really but i was reminded of how much i would love to see them live. julian looked okay- kind of tan or something. nick, scary, as always. eat something please, do it for your fans. albert was great but i wish he'd cut his hair shorter, nikolai just sort of existed in the corner and there were no real shots of fab. julian's hair is kind of long now, it's weird.

also watched the hives which i have to tell you i loved significantly more. have you ever seen a cuter swede than pelle? NO, YOU HAVEN'T.

PlatonicBlues: how were the hives?
kill my boot: SO GOOD... SOOO GOOD
kill my boot: PELLE IS SO CUTE
kill my boot: HE MAKES ME WANT TO DIE
PlatonicBlues: i cant believe i missed it
kill my boot: in the middle of the song he stopped and said "america... we have toured your vast coasts, east to west.. and we have discovered... AMERICA LOVES THE HIVES" and he made everyone clap and he was like totally insane, it was awesome, and he looked REALLY GOOD
kill my boot: i was gonna tape it but i didn't
PlatonicBlues: there website is just like: "Now that the hives have conquered america...everyone loves us...everywhere. YOU LOVE THE HIVES"
kill my boot: I KNOW
kill my boot: its like fidel castro
kill my boot: i looove it
kill my boot: and they named their EP "your new favorite band"
PlatonicBlues: its great, im gonna be so pompous like them when im famous
kill my boot: i think its so cute and awesome especially since they kind of don't speak english
kill my boot: and pelle has this funny look sometimes where he's just totally smiling and nodding and has NO IDEA WHATS HAPPENING
PlatonicBlues: you can tell they just have no idea whats going on most of the time
kill my boot: i know
kill my boot: i think the ugly guitarist gained weight
PlatonicBlues: you mean the bassist?
kill my boot: he's the bassist? yeah, then him
kill my boot: who looks like has a toupee
kill my boot: he's 23
kill my boot: he looks like he hit middle age already
kill my boot: i love the way pelle screams because hes got that voice where it kind of freaks out when he tries to yell
PlatonicBlues: its because hes swedish
kill my boot: i know
kill my boot: and hot
kill my boot: so hot
kill my boot: i decided his haircut is the hottest thing since orange hotpants
kill my boot: last night the guitarist chris tried to swing his guitar around his shoulder, you know? but the strap broke, it was so funny
kill my boot: he was like trying to look cool and failing horribly

COLDPLAY SINGLE OUT AUGUST 5TH!!!!! YEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!! and they're doing a preview of it or something on the site, everyone GO LOOK, because it's COLDPLAY and it would MAKE ME SO HAPPY. which reminds me i have to work on my site. oh! i can post up the fic at my site!!! damn, i'm genius. well, go check my site later for the fic, because it'll be there. yeah.i think. i also made two new chris wallpapers, one is about his trip to haiti and another is basically a big red heart and underneath it "I love chris martin" and i find it really amusing. it's the one i'm using right now actually. and on that note:

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