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i'm bored and lame.
<<2002-06-15 - 4:51 pm>>

hi guyssss... i'm bored. i'm leaving for paris tomorrow night... somehow i'm excited and yet somehow i'm not. i have to pack and everything... and then spend four days in a foreign country with my dad and stepmom.... argh. well the upside is i get to buy cds tonight for the ASS LONG FLIGHT. its like 12 hours or something. stupid france.

i'm just not in a very good mood today but i talked to some cool people. yeah. i don't know. i'm stressed or something. whatever. i'm probably gonna go work on one of my many fics later, maybe my jeff buckley one but maybe not.

the highlight of my day:

are they not the most in-love pair of british musicians you've ever seen (besides damon and graham of blur)? THEY ARE SO ABOUT TO GET MARRIED!!! hahaha, see, you guys... thats how i amuse myself on rainy days.

joke of the day:
What do a bicycle, chicken, and frog have in common?
They all have handlebars! Except for the frog and chicken.

hahaha, for some reason i thought that was so funny. fwoosh. totally.

i wish i had something more to say... but i don't. i realized yesterday that after i posted up the first part of my coldplay fic at my site i hadn't linked it from the main page. hmmm. i'll do that later today i guess.

so i'm off to scour for more coldplay info and other such stuff.

i also looked around earlier for vast stuff (vast being my favoritest favorite band before coldplay) and discovered that jon's (the brain of vast) label elektra was an arse and he left or something. i dunno, there was a big battle which i'm confused about, nobody knows quite what happened. but now he's got NO LABEL which means NO THIRD CD. which means I AM EXTREMELY UNHAPPY. (the third cd would be called "turquoise" i think.) i used to be CRAZY in love with jon. he was like my pseudo-gothic-but-too-cute-to-be-REALLY-goth type of guy. he's way up there on my list of musical geniuses along with chris martin and jeff buckley. so, hearing word of his difficulties in finding a respectful new label, i decided he deserved a little sympathetic drool session... so here you go, a bit of jon eyecandy:

aahhhh. nostalgia. i feel so bad cos i stopped listening to vast all together and i used to be so in love with him and his music and everything. it surpassed even my love for chris martin, which reaches insane, slightly frightening peaks at times. i have several paper diary entries about what a god jon is and how insane it is that one man could be such a genius. hmm, i think i was slightly jaded back then. but yeah, now i'm getting all emotional and nostalgic. i'm gonna go away and listen to vast or maybe... wallow in my nostalgia.

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