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language of fools
<<2002-06-16 - 8:38 pm>>

hello, dear readers.

lots of cool things happened today. i thought i was leaving for france today but it turns out i don't leave until four o'clock tomorrow. apparently my dad shelled out HELLA money so everything is gonna be super decadent. i cannot fucking wait, i am so gonna act like the diva i was born to be. too bad i don't have a poodle named precious on hand, that would have really made everything complete.

i bought the tom mcrae cd today. have you guys ever FELT beautiful because of the music you were listening to? that's what tom mcrae does. coldplay does that too, as a matter of fact but tom does it in such a different way. his music is equally stark and lush. it's so, so, so, sooooooooooo good.

that reminds me.. i was actually thinking of starting like a cd review thing with my friend lizzi. i don't know. it sounded really good at the time but now it just seems stupid, since i barely buy cds (but when i do i buy a fucking shitload). lizzi goes out about once a week to get cds, which is better than me, but i still don't know. she sounded really enthusiastic about it and i've wanted to start a new something to entertain myself with (my coldplay site is not working out quite like i had planned... i hate effort and anything that requires brain power, both of which updating my site asks of me). i dunno. guys, tell me it's not stupid so i can give liz the go-ahead. tell me. really.

i also typed up the beginning of my vines slash story i started writing for holly. i thought i might post it at futurism but i don't know anyone besides roberta, jordan and maybe rachael (this friend of a friend of a friend i started talking to about three days ago... she is SO FUCKING COOL, she knows like everything about everything and she even agreed to buy tom mcrae if i mailed her my favorite pair of socks... i mean, that's a pretty good trade off, considering i don't even have a favorite pair of socks) who reads it and i want everyone to see this and tell me what they think. so i might post it here. but that defeats the purpose of futurism.


okay, i put it up at futurism. it's called "cocaine body" (after a lyric in a tom mcrae song that i was listening to at the time... it seemed fitting). read it!!! wooo.

so i guess that's all. i might get the chance to post again before i leave for france... i've still got to get black & white film and i only have like three dollars. sigh. money is the root of all evil.

if you guys want to make the world a better place, then i suggest downloading "hidden camera show" by tom mcrae or the also-very-good "you cut her hair."

that's all for now.

in case you aren't already, you might want to read that story i mentioned up there a few paragraphs back. remember? yeah, called cocaine body.

i have to go to dinner now, but your homework is stay here and read my story if you aren't reading it already. because if you aren't reading it already then you really should be reading it.

that or downloading "hidden camera show" by tom mcrae.

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