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i'm weird today
<<2002-06-23 - 1:44 pm>>

NEW LAYOUT! i made this one last night. i don't have any really good picture designing sort of things or any special html skills, so all my designs look very similar. i don't mind though, they're mostly just an excuse to use pics i like. this week, i'm back on the vines.

KUNG FU CRAIG! yeeeaaaahhh!!! i was gonna use my kung fu pics in this design but the karma just wasn't flowing.

i might tweak the design a little bit more later but right now i have serious urges to go create more designs, this time hopefully ones with color. :)

i really like the sort of awkward, dorky feel of this one... i dunno, using the times new roman font always makes me feel like a low-maintenance sort of thing. i don't know. i'm weird today.

i'll make a second entry later.

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