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kung fu craig!!!
<<2002-06-24 - 8:22 pm>>

ARRRRGGGHHH... sometimes i think i'm stupid for scorning relationships the way i do and sometimes i'm glad i spit on them.

i just met HER... the HER i've been dreaming about for EVER... aaaggghhh... she is so perfect... she makes me go "skdhgsoidkhgsoidg"... whenever i'm talking to her i just spout total crap and she's so calm and cool and collected. that always happens when i have crushes on people. i can't say her name because i am sooo paranoid but we'll call her... umm... J. because... that's what her name starts with.

and on another note I LOVE HOLLY MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD!!! she just came back from a love fest with the vines and apparently she sucked craig's tongue. and he fell on her. and she took 20 pictures of him. whhheeewww.. i'm so happy, my stomach is doing flips!!! i don't know if i've told you all but holly is like the coolest character in my life right now besides like david and roberta and liz (and J). she is just ENDLESS entertainment and she and i both love the same bands and boys and we have the best jokes. whew. so now that my crazy rant about holly is done (which she might have read... and if she's not freaked out by it then she's crazier than i thought! haha) i am going to just kind of... wallow in my happiness.

J is perfect, holly just made my night even perfecter, and craig nicholls is currently the hottest boy in rock.

when holly shows me her pictures tomorrow i'll ask her if i can post a few. i am SOOOOO happy right now... i should go do a quick dance and then lie down and stare at something to make sure this happiness doesn't escape too quickly...

two really cool websites:

playmash.com which is online M*A*S*H and rockstargame.com which i found from the muse messageboard. it's exactly like managing a band. it's actually not at all but it's CRAAAAAZY addictive and i've been playing the last few days. sooo fun.

here are my mash results:

You will live in Shack.
You will drive a Red Toyota.
You will marry Craig Nicholls and have 3 kids. (WOOHOO, that means i shagged him AT LEAST 3 times!!)
You will be Kylie Minogue's manager in Dublin, Ireland

as she said before, m*a*s*h never lies.

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