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you make no bones
<<2002-07-11 - 7:42 pm>>


like my new template? yurrrmmm, craig nicholls. i <3 him so!

tell me if the text is too hard to read against the stripey background. i'd like to make it darker somehow...

is this easier to read?

ah well.

i talked to someone who found me on diaryland about twenty minutes ago. i've got to say she was so cool it was like, beyond belief. i don't know her name yet but she was great.

i helped kris make peanut butter sammiches for her last period class today... i lurve hanging out with kris. hanrahan! wooooo!

i'm talking to david too. david, you are mean. i'm mean to you cos you're mean to me. i'm sorry that i don't "respond instantly" but stop being a brat! go do your homework or something! stop being emo!

holly introduced me to this band called "easyworld." the lead singer is slightly reminiscent of matt bellamy but a lot less annoying. download some of their shtuff here! weeee!

i have to go to do homework.


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