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vi�rar vel til loft�r�sa
<<2002-07-17 - 8:27 pm>>

�g l�t mig l��a �fram
� gegnum hausinn
hugsa h�lfa lei�
s� sj�lfan mig syngja fagna�arerindi�
sem vi� s�mdum saman
vi� �ttum okkur draum

�ttum allt
vi� ri�um heimsendi
vi� ri�um leitandi
klifru�um sk�jaklj�fa
sem s��ar sprungu upp
fri�urinn �ti
�g lek jafnv�gi
dett ni�ur
alger ��gn
ekkert svar
en �a� besta sem gu� hefur skapa�
er n�r dagur

i had a sigur ros dream last night. that really surprised me. amazed me, actually. i was standing in the snow and there was wind, the noisy wind that plays just after "star�lfur." j�nsi and kjartan were there and i had a big white knit hat on. i think i was wearing all white? it was strangely coherent. i don't think anything was said. but i remember feeling distressed. like i was somewhere i wasn't supposed to be. i told rachael about it:

me: isn't that weird?
her: yeah thats a bit chilling...
me: was that a stupid joke?
her: wha?
me: "chilling"- i was dreaming about being in iceland
her: HAHA, i didnt even see that good one

and then we started getting emo:

me: it was scary. i felt like i was somewhere that i wasn't supposed to be
her: like iceland?
me: you shut up.

anyway. that was weird. that marks my fourth band dream ever. very cool.

i got my france pictures back from my dad today... maybe i'll post them. they're not very interesting. ah well.

tomorrow i have a math quiz, i haven't studied. we're critiquing my story in b-block tomorrow, and i'm supposed to start writing my sonnet for poetry. guh. no. i want summer school to end. now. please.

and in slightly happier notes, i love chris and jenna is cool and cory... well, i'm buying him a chair with a rotating tongue on it for his birthday.

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