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wish me luck
<<2002-07-20 - 10:42 pm>>

tonight was good. i think in a word i'd say tonight was good.

i coerced my stepmom into cooking my favorite food, fried rice. but they make such a huge fuss, they're like "blah blah it's FATTENING" and i'm like "but you guys just had... steak... last night..." so whatever, hypocrites. luckily it's not really my favorite food anymore. it tasted gross tonight. so now i don't have to ask them for it anymore. it was so stupid, i had to like beg my stepmom to make it, i felt like such a little annoyance. whatever. family. stupid.

i watched "moulin rouge" tonight too... god, that movie turns me into such a sobbing loser. i cried SO hard. my dad and stepmom were in the room so i had to like clench my teeth but i wanted to bad to just sob like a big ugly baby. the ending scene where ewan is sobbing over satine's death KILLS ME. in fact like all the scenes that involve satine and christian just break my heart. sigh.

so anyway... i'm finalizing the plans with david for tuesday. i'm pretty excited... it'll just be soo good to see him again. he's muh lovah.

what else... um... i don't really know. i've still got homework to do for monday... math homework, science fiction writing homework, and some poetry homework (ive got to write a motherfucking sonnet?!) and i'm also prtty close to being suspended because i'm always late for like every class. so if i'm late one more time they're going to eat my soul.

i guess that's it for now... or something... i don't really know. i'm tired. i didn't really feel like making a diary entry today... woe....

bleargh... i want to go write a fic. a peaceful, sweet coldplay fic. eurgh, i know... chris martin and craig nicholls. is that scary or WHAT? yeah, i'm genius!

i'm making alissa write a seymour/gish fic, i decided. (seymour and gish being from the fabulous band miss black america.) she has to write it. ALISSA, ARE YOU LISTENING?

i don't think jenna ever reads this except for that one time... i really wish i were talking to her right now. i think i'm creepy for feeling so strongly about her but i really kind of wish she went to my school or something because i really, really like her. and liz reminds me so much of kris.

kris has mono or something so every time she laughs, she gets this rattling sound in her chest. it's pretty terrible. i think she's great though. if we board together there's just about no doubt in my mind i'll fall so hard for her. (i pretty much have already.)

here is the plan for Operation David:

1. meet david outside the school for B block, lunch, C block
2. get kris to drive the both of us to riverside and take the T to mass ave, where we go to the sheraton hotel, meet up with his aaooouuughnt, get money, and walk up to newbury street
3. commence having fun and wreaking havoc
4. perhaps take the T back to my house where we could continue the fun/havoc
5. take the T back to the sheraton where i could possibly spend the night with david, thus further prolonging fun/havoc-making
6. wake up at some ungodly hour the next morning, take the T back to riverside and catch the bus to school

it's perfect. too bad no one will agree to it... ah well. parents. i'll just be happy to see david.

here are my two ultimate goals for the next seven days of my life:

1. don't FAIL OUT OF SUMMER SCHOOL, because that's really just sad
2. see david, have fun, wreak havoc

wish me luck

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