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donnie darko pwnz
<<2002-07-27 - 9:44 pm>>

my life is perfect!!!

1. donnie darko is one of the best movies i've ever seen in my life. unfortunately, frank scares me pantsless a hundred times over, otherwise i would be downstairs watching that movie for the second time in the last hour. but i can't... frank really, really, REALLY scares me... it sucks actually. strangely enough,though, i don't think his EXTREMELY FRIGHTENING APPEARANCE takes away from the greatness of the movie, it just makes it difficult to watch it. the creepiest part was when donnie takes the knife and starts like jabbing frank's eye and his head slumps to the side... WHAT THE FACK! i almost gagged. that part confused me until i realized his eye was all messed up because donnie SHOT him and.. this... prolly makes no sense to anyone... except for david (and now apparently alissa as well... WOO). i'm actually kind of sad i didn't see this movie earlier. whew. i always get really high when i see/hear/do good things.

2. alissa's package came today! i finally went out and got some glue and blank tapes so i can start making her package. it's just gonna be lots of crap glued on paper and a tape full of crappy songs.

3. errrmm.. i forgot the third thing... but i'm sure it's great

sam is really mad at me though.

kill my boot: hes really really mad at me
EvilRabidSheep: whos mad?
kill my boot: sam
EvilRabidSheep: why?
kill my boot: because i told him id go to his play but i couldnt because my mom wanted to take me out and so i was like "i cant go" and he refused to believe me so my mom took me out today and he called and he was like "arggg wehere are you" and when i got homeit was like three hours after the play started and yeah and then he imed me and yeah he was just obviously really mad

i'm sorrrrryyyy! i really am.. i wanted to go but my mom was being kind of crappy. so if you're reading this and you don't want me to die as much as i think you do then... yeah... i'm sorry... i'd call you but it's kind of late and i don't have your number. arf. sorry.

and david called. i only got to talk to him for a few minutes but... it was worth it. i don't want to sound creepy but i think i can handle david best in small doses when we're not interacting face to face. it's best when we talk over the phone for like ten minutes because more than that, we just kind of run out of things to say. i can't wait to talk to him again though cos i want to ramble about donnie darko.


i don't know... i didn't relaly have anything to say other than that donnie darko and velvet goldmine are at odds now. the only difference is velvet goldmine has two of my most favorite things in the world: beautiful men and love between beautiful men, whereas donnie darko just has mind-boggling concepts and really, really, really scary bunny rabbits. jake gyllenhaal is adorable though.

i vote you should all go visit donniedarko.com because it's the coolest thing i've ever seen.

and that's the end of my donnie darko rant.

by the way, if you've ever seen donnie darko, leave me a note or sign my guestbook, and tell me if you understood it or not.

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