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<<2002-08-17 - 11:35 pm>>

another one of the many, many reasons i love coldplay more than anything:

eabaker2: i went to see coldplay in minneapolis, and you know how weird i was being about the album and stuff?
eabaker2: you know how i was going to write that letter?
kill my boot: yeah
eabaker2: well i wrote it and i was going to send it to debs, but i decided to bring it to minneapolis just in case
kill my boot: oooooh
eabaker2: well i was waiting in line, and who appears across the street?
eabaker2: chris and will
kill my boot: AAAHHHHH
kill my boot: okay hold on i've got to concentrate on not screaming
eabaker2: so i bolted over there and immediately everything left my brain
eabaker2: it gets so much better
kill my boot: whew
kill my boot: breathe breathe
kill my boot: tell
kill my boot: more
eabaker2: ok so i bolted over there
eabaker2: i was like...what the hell do i do now...nobody was over there at all. so i tried to get my letter out and finally did, and i waited for like 3 minutes then finally i just took his hand and placed the letter in it
eabaker2: he was like "What's this?"
kill my boot: awwww.. that is so cute
eabaker2: i said"my letter" and he said, "oh, thanks very much!" put it in his pocket and left
kill my boot: aww he shoulda totally read it and then hugged you and invited you backstage for cookies
eabaker2: i can't really remember what else i did but i was over there for like 5 minutes...i think i said thanks to will.. anyway haha, not the end yet
kill my boot: YAY
kill my boot: whew im like freaking out... KEEP GOING
eabaker2: so i was like...dying for a long time
kill my boot: hahaha
kill my boot: i can imagine
eabaker2: i kept thinking about what i wrote in there, because i seriously poured my heart out to him...nothing about me is left unsaid in that letter, i totally trusted him
eabaker2: i was kind of nervous but very excited because what are the odds? and oh yeah,
kill my boot: wow...
eabaker2: i wrote a lot about the scientist and my feelings about that song...i was basically like, chris, that song is the meaning of life

eabaker2: so we get through the whole concert
kill my boot: weeee hurrah!
eabaker2: he starts playing the scientist, and 4 measures in "this is for elizabeth"
kill my boot: OMG
kill my boot: LKSGJLISG!!
kill my boot: thats the MOST AMAZING THING
eabaker2: I KNOW
kill my boot: oh god... that is so.. beyond sweet
eabaker2: i know, he is a class act...he basically said to me in that moment that he totally understands everything about me
kill my boot: that's beautiful
kill my boot: you totally just restored all my faith in chris
eabaker2: and his voice...that little moment keeps going through my head all day
eabaker2: i know, a lot of people have said that
kill my boot: i can't imagine why it wouldn't
kill my boot: ahhh
eabaker2: it didn't hit me until two full days later...then i just started bawling my eyes out
eabaker2: i can't BELIEVE IT
eabaker2: not like i wasn't crying at the time...
kill my boot: youuuu lucky duccckkk
eabaker2: haha
kill my boot: hahah i'd fall over and pass out probably
kill my boot: that's so amazing
eabaker2: i am just waiting for something bad to happen now...that was just too unbelievable
kill my boot: no way! you've been BLESSED!

i can't stop thinking of that. i should write them a letter for september. i wish so much that ANYONE understood how i felt about coldplay. elizabeth is the only one... but she feels differently about them. i think she feels the same love for coldplay that i felt for vast. i don't know. i feel kind of burned out because i love chris martin so much more than i could ever love anyone in my life. even jeff buckley was different. jeff was a reverential sort of love. chris martin is... well, that's reverential too, but it's different. it hurts... it's so much sometimes that it hurts... i don't know. gawd, i'm creepy. i need to like stop being so emo about all this.

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