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<<2002-10-30 - 5:37 pm>>

okay... so andy's kind of an asshole too. i asked him about ben kweller, he basically just stared at me blankly and gave the most noncommittal answer he could have possibly given, and then just kept walking. so hey! i'm single again. i don't think i was ever not-single in the first place. i feel kind of stupid for being so excited about it but, obviously, you know, it was kind of nice. the thought was, i mean. but i really don't like andy anymore - not even as a friend, i don't think. and i'll be glad when he stops talking to me altogether. ugh. okay, so that's done with. i have to find someone else to go to ben kweller with. i'm wishing i hadn't asked andy at all, because i don't think anyone really knows how HORRIBLY, PAINFULLY AWKWARD going to that show with andy will be. he is the epitome of torturous awkwardness.

alright, i'll stop venting. i bought three tickets, so maybe i'll bring lily and... someone else. i don't know anyone else who would be fun.

speaking of which, i'm sorry to sam. he didn't know about the whole coldplay show thing, where i didn't enjoy it. it's no fault of his. it's just a touchy subject with me. and now that i think back on it, i didn't really mind it that much. but he hated coldplay, and he'll hate ben kweller, so i'd rather not force him to do something he doesn't want to. i tried to talk to him today but i don't think it made a difference.

so, basically, my day sucked shit. like all of my days have ever since andy and i got together. i haven't felt this depressed in a long, long time. obviously, god is trying to tell me something.

ps: hi roberta! i missed you! you went all quiet for a while!

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