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did you see the stylish kids in the riot?
<<2002-11-02 - 4:25 pm>>

my body definitely hates me. i've been asking too much of it. starving it of sleep and overstimulating it with too much hilarity and man-love.

i slept over at sam's house friday night. we watched y tu mama tambien but THE VERSION WE GOT HAD THE KISS BETWEEN TENOCH AND JULIO CUT OUT. OBVIOUSLY, SOME PEOPLE DONT KNOW THAT THE ONLY REASON A HUNDRED MILLION AMERICAN FEMALES AND GAY MALES WENT TO GO SEE THAT MOVIE WAS BECAUSE TENOCH AND JULIO KISS. and because they're naked. alot. i also saw his play which was, to quote austin, nothing less than amazing. sam's mom is the coolest woman ever.

sam's moving further into town soon and his mom hates their guinea pigs, so they were gonna try to give them to me, but my mom freaked out when i mentioned it to her and so... no guinea pigs. i used to have a whole bunch, like fourteen or something, and i loved them. they were so smelly and furry and squeaky. but i guess... my guinea pig era is done.

i also bought sigur ros's new album and i've been listening to it nonstop. okay, maybe not nonstop, but i listened to it all the way through (except for the last song) on the train ride home and i'm listening to it now. it's not great, it could be better, but track number 1, 4, and 7 are so amazing that it makes up for it. i have to listen to it more and get used to it.

and i'm seeing ben kweller in about three and a half hours. i'm kind of excited about seeing him, but i'm more excited about getting to spend time with just lily and sam walker. mostly because the only person i ever hang out with outside of school is sam because everyone else makes me awkward. it'll be fun. totally.

and that's relaly all i wanted to say... maybe i'll work on my fanfiction site thing later.

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