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hell is round the corner where i shelter
<<2002-11-03 - 4:22 pm>>

song of the day: "ponderosa" by tricky

ben kweller was good... i guess. i don't know. he wasn't bad at all, i really liked it, but lily was really paranoid about her hearing being damaged and sam walker was just quiet, as per usual, so... i'm not sure. it was fun though. and we saw lily hoffman-andrews and chris there which just made it even more awkward. i think lily friend, my lily, wanted to go talk to lily hoffman but i wouldn't let her.

we went at 8.30 and ben didn't even come on until 10.30 and we left at 11.00 which was really depressing. he played maybe four songs. i wanted to stay the whole time but lily was really anxious and sam walker was just apathetic. it was their first concert for both of them.

other than that, we had a lot of fun when lily and sam walker slept over. sam slept on the floor because he is a boy creature and lily and i slept together in my big bed, to which sam commented "you guys are such lesbians." it was alot of fun being with them. they're really entertaining. and we woke up early this morning and went to starbucks and i got to talk to sam a little and i ate a really good scone. so, all in all, it was not bad.

and in about half an hour my dad is gonna come pick me up - hopefully he'll have my stepmom with him, she's like a buffer, so i don't have to deal with him directly for two hours - and maybe i can make him take me to newbury comics and buy some cds. wooo. and i'll get free food.

it was kind of empowering, paying for mostly everything myself this weekend. i realized how much i want a job and a steady flow of money, mostly so i can feel like i own my own stuff. it feels good. yeah.

damn... i want some man love.

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