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i am not...
<<2002-11-10 - 2:51 am>>

I am not: serious.

I love: music, sometimes. orri pall dyrason.

I hate: orri pall dyrason's girlfriend. people. emotions. responsibility. striving for something, not getting it. bad-quality mp3s. the shitty things you say to me all the time.

I fear: everything.

I hope: that this doesn't last for long.

I hear: nothing but sigur ros.

I crave: a girlfriend who wants nothing from me.

I regret: nothing.

I cry: at all the things i'm supposed to cry at.

I care: about nothing but myself.

I always: want things.

I believe: there's hope everywhere.

I feel alone: for a moment every day.

I listen: to nothing but myself and music.

I hide: myself from everyone.

I drive: not yet.

I sing: when i know the words. always.

I dance: not often.

I write: CRAP.

I play: bass (badly).

I miss: the things i don't have anymore.

I search: half-assedly.

I learn: nothing.


I know: nothing.

I say: inconsequential shit.

I succeed: rarely.

I dream: of everything- mostly soft, sweet romances involving myself and a certain drumstick-wielding flaxen haired stone fox from iceland.

I wonder: what the fuck is going on?

I want: to not be such a fucking dipshit. to not be so unhappy with everything. to understand why.

I have: nothing to worry about.

I give: but more often i take.

I fell: when i was a kid getting out of the shower, and i fucked up my ankle and never got it treated and now i go through periods where i can't walk. at all.

I fight: with everyone all the time even if they don't know it.

I need: a girlfriend, a boyfriend, nothing, no responsibility, better emotions, no problems.

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